It isn’t a secret that owning a Bugatti is expensive. After all, the cheapest car they offer right now is $2.5 Million USD and simple maintenance costs are known to be exorbitant. There are horror stories of dealerships charging $20,000 for oil changes and the OEM tires can cost up to $42,000 for a set of four.
But if you want to know how much it costs to drive like a billionaire, wonder no longer. An enthusiast has gone to great lengths to find out how much owning a Bugatti for four years would cost. He travelled to Bugatti’s new Singapore showroom and got the details on maintenance of the new Chiron Pur Sport.
All the services are provided by ten of Bugatti’s technicians and are available 24/7, all over the world. These services can include anything from tire rotation to a complete engine rebuild. However, these conveniences are anything but cheap: a brake replacement and cleaning can cost over $110,000 USD.
The timeline of Bugatti service costs starts at 10,000 miles, or 14 months, into ownership. The car is due for new oil, oil filters, coolant, and sixteen new drainage plugs. This seemingly menial service costs an exorbitant $25,000.
Another service that needs to be performed every 14 months or so is the replacement of the lightweight rims. This set of wheels cost almost $50,000 to change.
Next comes the famous, or infamous, tire replacement, due every 16 to 18 months. These cost a bit more than your average commuter, although there are ways of getting around it. For example, some Bugatti owners take the OEM rims off, along with the tires, and fit new ones that aren’t as expensive.
However, Bugatti has seen this and is now offering a new tire for buyers who aren’t concerned with getting the maximum performance out of the car and want something that provides a more comfortable ride and lower price tag. These “comfy” tires only cost $8,000 for a set of four, a bargain when compared to the performance tire, which commands a sticker price of $42,000.
Now comes the really expensive services, as if the previous ones weren’t enough. At 42-48 months into owning this monstrously expensive car, you need to replace all four turbochargers in the engine for $26,000, air duct coolers for $22,000, a new fuel tank for $44,000, and on top of all that, it costs $28,500 to just tune and calibrate the massive W16 engine.
Other crazy miscellaneous expenses you might run into while owning this car include windshield replacement, which is $60,000, new windshield wipers, which are $3,800, and finally the paint, which is a staggering $55,000.
Adding it all up, after four years of ownership, which includes at least three oil changes, two rim/tire changes, a set of brakes, engine tuning plus a single replacement for the four turbos, the air duct coolers, and the fuel tank. The total cost is roughly $477,498 – and this isn’t even including taxes, labor fees, transport, and travel costs.