You may have heard about Spotify’s new car media system, the Car Thing. Yes, that’s the actual name for it. But despite the horrible name, it has proven to be extremely popular, with millions upon millions of orders. But because of the microchip shortage, production hasn’t been able to keep up with demand.
The $80 device has been popular for quite some time now, and the result is that the waiting list is now over two million orders long. That’s over twice as much as Amazon’s Echo Auto.
The device, if you can get your hands on one, is actually pretty cool. It can be connected to your car’s infotainment either with Bluetooth, a USB cable, or an Aux cable. After it’s all hooked up, you can control it with a large knob and some smaller buttons on the front and sides of the device. It can also be controlled with your voice.
You need a Spotify account to be able to order the Car Thing, but to be able to use it, you need their Premium account.